Sunday 28 December 2014

Back to University (Semester 2)

I am a second year university student so I'm over the whole 'freshers' and to be honest I'm over 'refreshers' too as I just don't see the point but thats just my opinion. If you're a first year student don't listen to your class friends about the year not counting towards your final grade, I mean it doesn't as you do need 40% to pass but if you put in the effort in first year you'll be able to ease into second year where you grade actually counts. And its easier to gain placement with good grades from first year  which is vital across all courses, employers want grades but they also want experience! 

Image Source: Google
For semester 2, I already have all my essentials such as a notebook, stationary, diary (2015), and my trusty Macbook and of course folders. If you were to see my university work you'd freak as I'm kind of an organisation crazed human which I don't think is such a bad thing but of course I'd say that. 

I'm also in the process of getting my CV and my Online Professional Blog to companies for a summer internship in London and across Birmingham. I would strongly recommend you do the same if you're a university student as it would look great on your CV for future employments and its also great to get insight into where you want to see yourself in a few years, career wise.

As i'm undertaking a media degree, there are many different aspects that I could go in to and gain employment. When I started my degree I was hell bent on woking in the television industry but after completing a Level 4 & now Level 5 in Media Relations and doing a 2 week placement at a PR firm, I've decided that I want to see my self within the PR industry. So if you're unsure or want to get a taster for something else, apply at local offices or companies now to ensure you have placement for the summer to put your mind at ease, it surely did for me. 

I hope this post helped and if you have any questions do comment below and i'll get back to you as soon as I can. 

Thank you for reading my lovelies. 

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