Sunday 28 December 2014

Homemade Natural Remedies for Acne, Blackheads & Pimples

So with my first Skincare post I wanted to attack a problem that nearly every girl will experience at some point in her life whether its during puberty or later on in life. As everyone has different skin types, you need to ensure that whatever products you use are for your skin type and that it’s actually helping your skin and not further damaging it, you can do so by reading reviews on products sites.

There are many home remedies that I will be sharing on my blog that I will personally try and I will also try my best to get some treatments for the girlies with oily and combination skin. So keep your eyes peeled on this site for more treatments.

Egg White Mask (DRY SKIN)
Egg whites temporarily tighten pores reducing chances of future blackheads, and will also remove current blackheads. Egg whites are rich in nutrients for your skin, and are a little less drying than some other home remedies for blackheads.

You will need the following:
  • 1 egg
  • Facial tissue or toilet paper
  • A small bowl
  • A clean towel
  1. Separate the yolk from the white and rinse your face. Pat your face dry and then apply a thin layer of egg white over your skin.
There are two ways to go from here-
  1. Place a strip of facial tissue or toilet paper over the wet egg white, being sure to press it onto your face gently. Allow the first layer to dry. Carefully apply a second layer of egg white over the tissue. When the mask is dry, your face may feel tight this is supposed to happen. Peel the tissue off, and then gently wash your face to remove any residue. Pat dry and moisturize as usual. I recommend using The Body Shop – Tea Tree Lotion as it cleanses and works on dry skin really well by preventing any future breakouts.
  2. OR, you can leave out the tissue and simply apply 3-5 layers of egg white, being sure to let each layer dry in between applications. If you do not let the layers dry, this will not work!

I will try different and new natural remedies, which I will review and report back to you. I am
awaiting an order from The Body Shop (My FAV Skincare store of all time) where I purchased masks for combination skin, which I will also review up on this space so keep checking back. 

Thank you for reading my lovelies.

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